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Video Game Law Developments

Minnesota is the latest state to see its video game censorship law struck down. See Minnesota Loses Appeal of “Fine the Buyer” Video Game Law. Massachusetts, on the other hand,

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Rate My Cop shut down

Simple Justice reports on how a website that gave citizens the ability to write about their experiences with police officers was taken down — yet nobody has a problem with

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Frank Zappa

[youtube=] When you listen to the Washington Times reporter, it comes as no surprise that the WT isn’t even fit for use to wipe my ass. Frank Zappa, on the

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Anti-Hillary Hypocrisy?

One of my most stellar former students (and one who was never afraid to take me on in class), Mr. Jeffrey Fuller chimed in on the Clash of the Anti-Hillaristas

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How about a fun option?

David Brooks wrote, in the Atlantic Monthly, about how “the revival of blatant sexism in American culture has many progressive thinkers flummoxed,” in his work “The Return of the Pig.”

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Wikileaks shut down

A federal judge issued an order shutting down the website. The judge’s order came in a case brought by a Cayman Islands bank which contends in court filings that

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