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Civil Liberties

"Regent-Gate" Update

David Lat over at “Above the Law” has an exclusive interview with Adam Key. The entire interview is worth reading, but here are some choice excerpts. David Lat: In terms

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ACLU Backs Larry Craig

The ACLU entered the Larry Craig fray today by submitting an amicus brief to the Minnesota District Court urging it to allow the scandal-plagued politician to withdraw his guilty plea

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Fleeting Expletive = 179 Days in Jail

Yes, its Polk County again… Chris Wilson reports on Judge Dale Durrance’s latest exploits, as does the Lakeland Ledger. Joseph Javaun Woods was on probation for possession of marijuana, and

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Prisoner Byline Rights

The Federal Bureau of Prisons decided that federal inmates publishing news articles under their own byline presented a “security risk.” A Federal Court in Colorado disagrees, and the First Amendment

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