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Civil Rights

She's got big tits. So what?

Meghan McCain posted a picture of herself on Twitter that, I guess, failed to cover up her tittehs enough. I know, as a young republican, perhaps she should have worn

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Jesus and His Blasphemous Nails

By Tatiana von Tauber Today is Blasphemy Day and its objective is to “open up all religious beliefs to the same level of free inquiry, discussion and criticism to which

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Why Fat Chicks Are Hot

By Tatiana von Tauber Confidence is the biggest motivator of hotness there is. I’ve been trying to figure out why exactly confidence is so enduring, sensual, erotic and empowering not

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Mexican Pole Dancing

by Tatiana von Tauber A Facebook friend of mine posted this very sexy pole dancing video. I have yet to find any vulgarity in the dancer’s moves. Not only does

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The Recession Isn't All Bad News

Quizlaw reports that the recession appears to be hurting the douchebaggery industry: [Y]ou know what the best part of the recession is? Focus on the Family, the right-wing nutjob institute

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Look Who is Against Proposition 8

The California Council of Churches has petitioned the California Supreme Court to invalidate Proposition 8 on the same grounds as gay rights groups have claimed — that Prop. 8 was

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Petition to Invalidate Proposition 8

A coalition of gay rights groups have filed a petition to overturn California’s Proposition 8. The gist of the argument is that Proposition 8 revises the California Constitution rather than

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