TSA now run by Pedobear
by Randazza We really must be at the verge of tipping into Idiocracy. It was once believed that you could spot a pedophile just by looking at him. This theory
by Randazza We really must be at the verge of tipping into Idiocracy. It was once believed that you could spot a pedophile just by looking at him. This theory
Popehat is a blog that I think was born in the same litter of puppies as the Satyricon. We love them. Reason #1 — constant Dr. Who references. Reason #2
Censorship — its not just for rednecks I often rant about the censorship minded former confederacy — but I must admit that my home state of Massachusetts has its share
Wins the Homo Walmartus idiocracy asshat flunkie of the week award. Here’s why. Indiana… the Midwest’s Florida.
The “War on Terror” is over. We lost. We have turned into a nation of mewling cowards — prepared to sell our freedom for mere “security theater.” Want proof? Take