Roca Labs is very very hurt (רוקה הוא מאוד נפגע מאוד)
More Roca Labs hilarity. It gets funnier. Full file here.
More Roca Labs hilarity. It gets funnier. Full file here.
I recently wrote about the two year FBI investigation into the song Louie Louie. Read it here. The short version, some blueballed fuckhead agents and uptight feminists lost their shit
Killing someone you disagree with is not “wide open and robust debate.” See We don’t shoot people for bigoted views, at CNN.
This is why Mike Tyson is always welcome around here. Tell it like it is, Mike. [youtube=]
While this happened a few months ago, I happened to be pretty tied up at the time. I can not let any more time pass without a post honoring Avijit
Would you believe that the FBI conducted a two year investigation into whether someone should go to jail for “Louie Louie.”? Yeah, the song. A threat to national security and
In the wake of the Michael Brown verdict and the Ferguson uprising, a number of “elite” law schools decided that their students could get a deferral on exams if they
Florida Man, I have a wife for you. While she was driving drunk, on the way to an intersection where she would ultimately crash into a car and kill her
Because the fucking morons who have a chance to do anything about it are sucking the government’s dick by playing right into their hands. As long as we can divide
In 2014 Goddard College selected Mumia Abu-Jamal, a former Black Panther, as a commencement speaker. He gave the speech via recorded playback, since he was in jail (and remains there
Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m just gonna leave these right here for any of the people out there who have felt the victimizing thwack of Roca Labs’ censorious sting. You see,
In Nevada, Senate Bill 444 stands to repeal all the effectiveness of the Nevada Anti-SLAPP Law. If you’ve read this blog at all in the past two weeks, you know