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An Activist Law Firm

Florida Airport Seeks to Evict the TSA

By J. DeVoy

The Orlando Sanford Airport (not to be confused with Orlando International Airport) is going to try removing the TSA from its security theater and using private security teams in its place.  While the airport would not be exempt from federal regulations and oversights, it may be able to operate without the TSA’s costly involvement.  While new federal legislation enhances the ability of airports to evict the TSA, airports currently cannot unilaterally fire the TSA and operate with private security unless authorized to do so by the DOT.  But, we dare to dream.

It is remarkable that this happened in Floriduh, a swamp as paternalistic as it is backward and meth-addled.  What one hand giveth removing the TSA, the other takes away by arbitrarily prosecuting anything that looks like erotica.  If the Orlando airport’s bid to remove the TSA is successful, I can only think to compare it with a drunken, abusive father punching the 7th grade bully in the mouth, one tyrant subduing another.