An Activist Law Firm

Fox News Porn – Fair Use Orgy!

This is going to be a fun election for intellectual property wonks. We’ve already seen the Clash of the Anti-Hillaristas!

Now, Fox News finds itself in a fair use maelstrom.

In an effort to criticize the network that brought us eight years of darkness, an anonymous webmaster has created the Fox News Porn website. Apparently the webmaster has detected higher than normal levels of T&A on Fox News.

One of the links brings you to Fox Attacks, a blog that seems to be devoted to tearing down the Fox Network.

Disclaimer, I do occasional legal commentary on Fox. Nevertheless, I don’t allow that to bias my opinion of the network. I do think that Fox is open to plenty of honest criticism, but I find this kind of attack to be more than a little dishonest. Every network dishes up the skin. If these people have a beef with Fox’s content and political leanings, so be it. That is the arena in which they should take on Fox – not some faux morality crusade.

This kind of shrieking is far too reminiscent of the McCarthy-like tactics employed by the religious right.

Lets sit on the sidelines and see if Mr. Murdoch takes the criticism, or if this winds up being a really interesting intellectual property case. The site clearly uses the Fox News logo (trademark infringement) and clearly uses Fox’s copyrighted materials. However, I’m certain that if Fox attempted to bring a claim for either one, the fair use defense would obliterate the claims.


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