An Activist Law Firm

I BELIEVE! (that Edward Bullard is an ass-hat)

State Rep. Ed Bullard (D-Miami) has decided to try and upstage Carey Baker in his quest to be the dumbest legislator in Florida (little do they know that Rhonda Storms has that title locked up).

Bullard proposed that Flori-duh become the first state in the union to produce a specialty license tag to explicitly promote a particular (pick your word) superstition/religion. (source)

When asked whether this should open the state of flori-duh’s license tags to all beliefs, Bullard said “no.”

Bullard, the plate’s sponsor, isn’t sure all groups should be able to express their preference. If atheists came up with an “I Don’t Believe” plate, for example, he would probably oppose it. (source)

Why can’t these morons just buy a bumper sticker like everyone else?

Hat tip and love to Simple Justice.

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