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An Activist Law Firm

Italian transvestite inmates to receive separate but equal treatment

By J. DeVoy

Italy is so besieged by gender-bending felons that it’s opening a new prison exclusively for them.  Sensitivity training and special accommodations abound.

Around 30 transgender detainees will be moved to the facility from a prison outside Florence, where they are currently serving their sentences.

Most were convicted for prostitution or drug-related offences. The governor of Lazio, the region which includes Rome, had to resign late last year after being caught up in a sex and drugs scandal involving Brazilian transsexual prostitutes.

Lazio always seems to be synonymous with loserdom.  See, e.g., Rick Lazio, who ran a hilariously bad campaign in his bid to be elected New York’s senator in 2000.

The new facility, a former medium-security prison for women, includes a sports field, a library and an allotment producing olive oil and wine.

True, it does say “former” medium-security prison, but I don’t think even the most high flying of America’s criminal elite received such accommodations.  I have trouble picturing Bernie Madoff stomping grapes to make wine from scratch.  Martha Stewart, maybe, but not people like Madoff.  These guys..ummm, girls…no, people have it made.