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An Activist Law Firm

Kenneth White brings a human side to the "involuntary porn" fight

Kenneth White is a certified First Amendment Bad Ass. In fact, that’s why I love being co-counsel with him. Another reason is that Ken has this streak in him that brings humility and humanity to my desire to scream murum aries attigit and run screaming at the other side, fully nude, carrying my sword like some hallucinogenic-addled gaul.

Well, Ken has done it again. In this post, he calls out Chance Trahan, half of the team behind He doesn’t call him out as a punk, but as a dad. Ken actually manages to play the “family card” without playing it the wrong way.

Ken also notes that is, in fact, down.

As far as I am concerned, if it stays that way, then everyone should lay off Chance Trahan and Craig Brittain. If it goes back up, then I have plaintiffs now… and I have a costco sized box of the spirit of murum aries attigit.