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An Activist Law Firm

Lane Bryant Got Sexy

By Tatiana von Tauber

Big may be sexy but it still ain’t easy.

Thank you Lane Bryant for showing us that full-figured women can be incredibly sexy as shown here:


Shame the networks , specifically ABC and Fox, find plus size cleavage too controversial and therefore inappropriate to air . Talk about double standard.


In this Salon article, Lane Bryant’s curvy models censored? , I was rather interested in the author, Tracy Clark-Flory’s comment:

Here is what I do know: I found the Lane Bryant ad to be rather titillating. There is so much more flesh, more cleavage, more bounce!…Regardless of the truth behind this ad war, it is safe to say that many –myself included, I shamefully admit — would find something unnerving about these full-figured women. They are formidable, healthy-looking and robust. They are va-va-voom. Watched alongside the Victoria’s Secret commercial, these two ads are a feminist critique of pop culture that writes itself. Together, they speak volumes about the pressure women feel to be thin, fragile and take up less space. Because that is the type of femininity we’re comfortable with, not the kind you see in the Lane Bryant ad.

Actually what these real women exude is in your face confidence and that is what we’re not comfortable with.  Real bodied women are so used to hiding in the background that when their boobs have a chance to escape the Playtex 18-hour bra mom used to have into something sexier, they rightfully have a lot more bounce than their thin girl competition and there’s going to be some va-va-voom action.  There’s excitement in this.  

I unshamefully admit that I found the ad erotic and that kind of titillating supercharge is rare from a commercial; this should be plastered on every network opposed to the crap which represents “real women” now.  The best part here is the kind of eroticism Lane Bryant represented.  Finally respectability with respect to sexuality and no sense of sexual objectification onto these women opposed to Victoria Secret stick figures.  This ad is what eroticism is.  Lane Bryant got it right on the money.  THIS is excellent feminist advertising.  Take note Go Daddy.