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An Activist Law Firm

Lawyer wants U.S. Marshals to Seize Copyright Troll's Bank Account

Ars Technica describes Randazza Legal Group’s efforts to recover Wayne Hoehn’s judgment of $34,045.50 from Righthaven LLC, the Las Vegas copyright enforcer.  Righthaven sought a stay from enforcing Hoehn’s judgment, which it did not receive by the date the Court ordered it due.  Hoehn’s attorneys, Marc Randazza and J. Malcolm DeVoy, moved to put Righthaven in contempt of court, and for a writ of execution to seize Righthaven’s assets, in response to the missed deadline.

Ars reports on what Randazza Legal Group sought from the court in its motion for a writ of execution:

“The Court is entitled to authorize the U.S. Marshals to execute Hoehn’s judgment through seizure of Righthaven’s bank accounts, real and personal property, and intangible intellectual property rights for levy, lien, auction or other treatment appropriate for satisfaction of Hoehn’s judgment.”

The article provides a brief history of Righthaven as well as its potential future. Read more…