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Flori-duh ACT scores drop again

The Gainesville Sun reports: Florida posted a slightly lower score than last year to continue a steady decline on the ACT college entrance test while remaining remain mired in 48th

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Gloucester Principal Resigns

In the latest chapter in the pregnancy pact fiasco, the Principal at Gloucester High School has resigned. The Gloucester Daily Times reports: Principal Joseph Sullivan, whose interview with Time magazine

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I'm Boycotting the Olympics

I’m boycotting the Olympics. Before I could write my full explanation, Charles Haynes from the First Amendment Center wrote his… which is better than I would have done.

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You Will Show Loyal-TAH!

Delaware Online reports: The Delaware Republican Party’s standard-bearer in the 2006 race for U.S. Senate has been expelled from his position in the state GOP. Apparently he gave $250 to

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Heller in Wisconsin

By Jonathon Blevins, Legal Satyricon Second Amendment Correspondent Recently, the Eastern District of Wisconsin denied a felon’s motion to withdraw his guilty plea. Kenneth Robinson plead guilty to possession of

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Dell's "Cloud Computing" Fiasco

Despite the generic nature of the term, “Cloud Computing,” Dell filed an intent-to-use application for a trademark registration for it. Nobody seemed to notice until a flurry of internet chatter

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Why We Need Fair Use

Because there just ‘aint enough soul-music-hitler-humor these days… [youtube=] HT: Andrew Sullivan

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