News & Media
CNN Column: Garland Shootings
Killing someone you disagree with is not “wide open and robust debate.” See We don’t shoot people for bigoted views, at CNN.
The Raunchy Version of Louie Louie — Lyrics Are Public Domain?
I recently wrote about the two year FBI investigation into the song Louie Louie. Read it here. The short version, some blueballed fuckhead agents and uptight feminists lost their shit at the thought that Louie Louie might be corrupting our youth. The FBI had its theories as to what the “dirty words” were. But, they were totally wrong. Here is
Avijit Roy and Rafida Ahmed Bonya – These Are What Heroes Look Like
While this happened a few months ago, I happened to be pretty tied up at the time. I can not let any more time pass without a post honoring Avijit Roy and Rafida Ahmed Bonya. And it came to mind today, because finally an organization came forward trying to claim responsibility for Roy’s death and Bonya’s dismemberment. Roy immigrated to
Mike Tyson is Awesome
This is why Mike Tyson is always welcome around here. Tell it like it is, Mike. [youtube=]
On the other hand, this is why The Battle of Baltimore is already lost
Because the fucking morons who have a chance to do anything about it are sucking the government’s dick by playing right into their hands. As long as we can divide people up by race, nobody will really give a shit about the actual problem here. Some of the young men wore bandanas to hide their identities. Several young men identified
"Driving Drunk Woo!" – Don't do that
Florida Man, I have a wife for you. While she was driving drunk, on the way to an intersection where she would ultimately crash into a car and kill her passenger, a Florida Woman texted to her ex-boyfriend “Driving drunk woo!” (source) I don’t do criminal law, so take this advice for what it is worth — but, if you
The Battle of Baltimore shows us why UDC is the "elite" school in DC
In the wake of the Michael Brown verdict and the Ferguson uprising, a number of “elite” law schools decided that their students could get a deferral on exams if they were “emotionally” unable to proceed. (source) This reinforces the impression that the so-called elite law schools are simply places where students are pre-selected and then coddled. As a graduate of
What are the Lyrics to Louie Louie? The FBI figured it out, finally….
Would you believe that the FBI conducted a two year investigation into whether someone should go to jail for “Louie Louie.”? Yeah, the song. A threat to national security and order! The FBI documents are here. Can you imagine what kind of blueballed hall monitor dipshit fuckhead decided that there should be an FBI investigation at all much less one
Pennsylvania's "Crime Victim Act" Struck Down on First Amendment Grounds
In 2014 Goddard College selected Mumia Abu-Jamal, a former Black Panther, as a commencement speaker. He gave the speech via recorded playback, since he was in jail (and remains there today). In 1982, Jamal was convicted of the murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. Some say that his trial was unfair, tainted by racism and a lack of impartiality.
ROCA LABS public records
Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m just gonna leave these right here for any of the people out there who have felt the victimizing thwack of Roca Labs’ censorious sting. You see, Roca Labs is very very very upset if you say anything bad about them. So upset that they file legal claims and bar complaints to try and shut you up
Nous Restons Charlie
“We defend free speech above its contents” – PEN America in deciding to honor Charlie Hebdo. (source) Meanwhile a university canceled a Charlie Hebdo appearance for “security” reasons. (source) “If PEN as a free speech organization can’t defend and celebrate people who have been murdered for drawing pictures, then frankly the organization is not worth the name,” – Salaman Rushdie
Copyright Runs Amok in Comic Case
Horizon v. Marvel: Copyright in the Three-Point Landing? I love copyright law, usually. Why is it there? It is there to ensure that authors and artists can profit from their work. Great idea. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, the concept got polluted. Originally, copyright protected works for 14 years, with a renewal period of 14 years. After a number of
Senate Bill 444 – Now With Video!
In Nevada, Senate Bill 444 stands to repeal all the effectiveness of the Nevada Anti-SLAPP Law. If you’ve read this blog at all in the past two weeks, you know that I have been a small part of the chorus of voices that rose up against this ignoble and unethical bill. Last Friday, I testified at the Assembly Judiciary Committee
Nevada's Senate Bill 444 – it matters even to Non-Nevadans
In 2013, Nevada passed the best Anti-SLAPP law in the country. Under this law, NRS 41.660-670, when someone files a lawsuit designed to stifle First Amendment protected expression, that lawsuit gets thrown out quickly, and that lawsuit comes with a price tag for the censorious plaintiff. The law strikes a good balance too – it still allows for valid lawsuits
Yet ANOTHER editorial against SB444
The Las Vegas Review Journal points out that the polls are showing that Nevadans oppose Senate Bill 444 by more than 100 to 1. See Will Assembly serve the elite or the masses?
Latest CNN Column – "The Slants" Decision is all Sideways
My latest CNN Column is a bit of a sneak peek of the upcoming publication of my thesis in the Nevada Law Journal.
Nobody Likes Senate Bill 444
Senate Bill 444 cuts the guts out of the Nevada Anti-SLAPP law. Don’t just take my word for it: The Las Vegas Review-Journal is against Senate Bill 444. The Sparks Tribune is against it. TechDirt has an opinion, guess what it is. PopeHat has an opinion too. The Elko Daily? Nope, no support for Senate Bill 444 there either. This
Greg Brower COME BACK TO US!!!
Senate Bill 444 was a sneak attack on free speech in Nevada. It wasn’t announced in advance, like most legislation. To the extent anyone would have seen it, it got put on the agenda under the innocuous name “Revises provisions governing civil actions.” But, what it really does is cut the guts out of the Nevada Anti-SLAPP law. Don’t just
The Elko Daily on the effort to kill Nevada's Anti-SLAPP law
The Elko Daily has chimed in on Senate Bill 444. (here) It should come as little surprise that they’re against it too. So far, we have liberals and conservatives, both aligned on the common ground that Senate Bill 444 is terrible for Nevada. How often does that happen in America nowadays? I hope, I really hope, that it continues. Senate
The Sparks Tribune Weighs in on Senate Bill 444
Senate Bill 444, the sneaky attempt to gut Nevada’s Anti-SLAPP act, does not seem to have too many friends (just one, last I counted). Thomas Mitchell at The Sparks Tribune provides us with an eloquent explanation of why the bill should go down in flames.