News & Media
BangBros Fingers Affiliate Who Allegedly Registered
XBiz reports that has sued an affiliate for cybersquatting, trademark infringement, and unfair competition. is represented by the Randazza Legal Group in the suit. The article states: BangBros said in the suit that Thomas and Stratis provided false registration information and used a Whois privacy service because they were fully aware that their conduct infringed upon BangBros trademark
Kim Dotcom… point, counterpoint, discuss
Kim Dotcom posted this video: [youtube=] and a parodist posted this one [youtube=] [polldaddy poll=6450163]
No Facebook account? Seek Help Before You Hurt Someone.
Apparently, an article published on points out that not having a Facebook profile could be problematic because, hey, neither that asshole in Colorado nor Anders Breivik had one, so you know…. Source. Yes, those who have resisted the urge to use a clever profile pic of a fuzzy kitteh and share the inane details of their daily lives might
Randazza Legal Group: The Case for Relocating Porn Production to Las Vegas
XBiz features an article by attorneys Marc J. Randazza and J. Malcolm DeVoy IV of the Randazza Legal Group regarding the case for relocating porn production to Las Vegas. The article states: The fact is, Condom Wars or not, there are very good business, legal and logistical reasons for relocating to Las Vegas. Read More… Ordered to Pay Corbin Fisher $550,000
XBiz broke the news today that U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro of Nevada issued an order enforcing the settlement agreement between Corbin Fisher and file locker, resulting in a $550,000 award for Corbin Fisher. Attorney Marc Randazza represents Corbin Fisher. Read More…
Judge Enforces Corbin Fisher/ Settlement, Dismisses Case
AVN reports that U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro of Nevada ordered the settlement between Corbin Fisher and to be enforced, resulting in an award of $550,000 for Corbin Fisher. Attorney Marc Randazza represents Corbin Fisher in this matter. Read More…
Chick-fil-A and free speech
Attorney Marc Randazza guest writes a post for CNN about the First Amendment implications of speaking out against Chick-fil-A CEO’s recent controversial comments about gay marriage. Randazza says: The First Amendment protects you from government action suppressing your right to free speech. It does not protect you from private individuals’ negative reaction to your speech. Read More…
Russia's Pussy Riot
By J. DeVoy The Russian punk rock band Pussy Riot are being charged with “hooliganism” for mocking religion and criticizing Vladimir Putin, Russia’s actual, then de facto, then actual again, leader. The band’s alleged crime: entering the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow, climbing on the altar and exhorting the Virgin Mary to “throw Putin out!” (source.) The women face up
Internet providers turn to attorneys to protect content
KSNV Las Vegas reports on how content providers are turning to attorneys to protect their content online. Attorney Marc Randazza states: It’s a really old message that I would’ve hoped everyone would have learned by kindergarten: don’t steal. Read More…
And that is how Boston rolls, you bigoted douchebag
Good for you, Mayah. H/T: Janelle
Unedited footage from lunar landing
This is the best way to fight the Westboro Baptist Church
… or any other speech you don’t like… with more speech.
Rochester NY Footlicker Arrested
By J. DeVoy Parents of Rochester, N.Y. probably are resting easier this weekend now that an alleged serial footlicker is behind bars. Forty-nine-year-old Anthony Parri was arrested for removing a six-year-old’s shoes and rubbing her feet against his nose and mouth (source). The victim’s mother and a library attendant witnessed Parri’s conduct and reported the abuse to law enforcement officers.
DMCA: The Porn Industry’s Worst Nightmare
XBiz discusses the DMCA and its place in the adult entertainment and intellectual property industry. Randazza Legal Group attorney J. Malcolm DeVoy cited a recent Second Circuit decision that could impact the future of the DMCA: “For the time being, however, one of the leading decisions suggesting that user-generated content service operators could not be liable for copyright infringement without
A pair of Bit Torrent defendants remind me of why we do pro bono
Ask any lawyer. Pro bono clients are never in the middle of the spectrum. They are usually the biggest pain in the ass clients. When someone isn’t paying you, they feel (and they are right) that they are just as entitled to your time as your hourly clients – but they have no disincentive to keeping you on the phone
New Jersey Supreme Court rules HOA's political sign ban unconstitutional
The New Jersey Supreme Court recently struck down a homeowners association rule that prohibited the posting of political signs in a homeowner’s unit. (Full text here). The court reasoned that the HOA’s complete ban of political signage violated the free speech clause of the New Jersey Constitution, which “affirmatively guarantees the right of free speech to all citizens.” Defendant Wasim
Civil liberties thrown out with the (child porn-laden) bathwater
-MJR A West Virginia coal activist hoped that she would be able to improve the environmental conditions for her neighbors by attending a house committee meeting in Washington, D.C. to present the story of her community. Instead, she was accused of attempting to show pornographic pictures of children. (Source) The water on Maria Gunnoe’s property is not potable. Because of
One Law For Them, Another Law For Us
[youtube=] A Rhode Island Cop, Edward Krawetz, kicked a handcuffed woman in the head as she sat on the ground. (source) Naturally, he claimed “self defense.” [His] fellow police officer … testified that Officer Krawetz never expressed concern for his own safety, never said he feared serious bodily injury, never yelled out that he was in pain and never sought
This essentially sums up years worth of my ranting in three minutes.