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Happy Halloweenie!

Up next from the “Chrissakes will you lighten up” department: It takes a special group of people to try to ruin Halloween. A handful of college students in Ohio (who

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Nazi-named Kids Taken From Parents

Heath and Deborah Campbell named their kids Adolf Hitler Campbell, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie. They drew national attention when they asked a New Jersey ShopRite to prepare a

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PETA must be trolling us

Now I am convinced that PETA must be the most well-organized practical joke in the world. They are suing Sea World for violating the 13th Amendment. The theory? Keeping killer

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The Pope Goes all Kucinich

Say what you want about the Catholic Church… but the supreme leader of the boyfucking cult of the magic space zombie jew is apparently taking on a position that would

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