An Activist Law Firm

Porn is "inescapable"

Monica Hesse, a writer for the Washington Post, seems to have a porn paranoia issue. Her article “Publicly, a whole new lewdness” has a decidedly Comstockian bent to it. But, the subtitle is even more hilarious: “Everywhere you look, porn is suddenly inescapable.”

People like Hesse are proof that evolution has failed. If she finds porn to be “inescapable,” I wonder how her ancestors avoided predatory animals. I mean, escaping from a hungry saber-toothed tiger required someone to run, jump, climb, and hide. “Escaping” from porn requires that one merely LOOK SOME FRIGGING WHERE ELSE!

I see things that I don’t like to see every day. I see ugly people. I see morons.

When I do not like it — I look away.

I escape.

Yes, by using a few muscles in my neck, I can escape from unpleasant sights, whether those sights are porn, cellulite, or puddles of puke on the street.

What do I care if the guy or the girl next to me is watching porn? I’m frankly more offended if they are watching “Dancing with the Stars” or something else that proves to me that we have become an idiocracy.

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