An Activist Law Firm

Proposed New Porn Rule: No porn with your kids

A few weeks ago, I declared that I have two rules for porn:

Rule #1: The subjects must be adults
Rule #2: The subjects must be consenting adults

I am not sure if I should add this as a third rule:

Proposed Rule #3: The subjects should not be in a pornographic film with their children, of age or not.

A mother-daughter duo is, apparently, launching a porn career together. (Oh… one guess where these beauts are from).

The mother and daughter claim that this is not technically incest because they refrain from making physical contact with each other during sex, while participation of a third party.

Although in the video it may seem as though they are touching or kissing, they claim that it is not happening.

What do you think? They’re both over 18. So this does not violate Rule #1 or Rule #2. Do we need a third rule? Maybe not… maybe we should just have a “now that is totally fucked up” category.

Update: A commenter asked if I thought “sister porn” was ok. I said that was all right, since I presume that sisters are relative equals, thus there is no power dynamic that fucks things all up.

I guess what makes me uncomfortable about parent-child porn is that if it is the parent driving the move, then I can’t see how there could be an absence of coercion. If it is the child driving the bus to crazy-land, then I just can’t imagine that there was good parenting involved.

I think that my discomfort really isn’t from a “this porn is too fucked up” perspective… it is a parenting issue. Because honestly, if a two women pretended to be mother-daughter, mother-son, father-son, father-daughter, in a porn movie, I wouldn’t care. I might not buy it, but I wouldn’t care if you did.

I might be getting old.

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