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Sandra Fluke is not a "slut" (just a liar)

Apparently, Rush Limbaugh found Sandra Fluke’s bullshit slinging on Capitol Hill to be worthy of disrespect. (so did I) He called her a slut (I did not), which of course, brought about the shrill screeching of harpies.

Nancy Pelosi had this to say:

“When Sandra Fluke testified before the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee after Republicans attempted to silence, she courageously spoke truth to power. As a result, today, she has been subject to attacks that are outside the circle of civilized discussion and that unmask the strong disrespect for women held by some in this country. We call upon the Republican leaders in the House to condemn these vicious attacks on Ms. Fluke, which are in response to her testimony to the Congress. Democrats will always stand up for women’s health and women’s voices.”

Of course, if Sandra Fluke was speaking “truth to power,” then she wouldn’t have lied about needing $1,000 a year for birth control. If she was telling the truth, then that means she’s getting banged more than 1,000 times a year, if that’s for condoms. (Georgetown’s health insurance covers birth control for non birth control purposes) I’d say that would qualify her as a “slut” if true and we’re using the common usage of that term, but it more likely qualifies her as a liar (and not a slut) — so the “truth to power” shit doesn’t fly. (Update: For more on this, check out this Reason Article).

For the record, I don’t think she’s a slut — I think she lied about how much she needs for contraception — and further for the record, I have nothing against sluts. Lying assed bitches, on the other hand, I don’t think too highly of. (and she may not even be bitchy — but it fits the song).

Fluke said:

“No woman deserves to be disrespected in this manner. This language is an attack on all women, and has been used throughout history to silence our voices.”

See what she did there? She’s using the feminist law professors play book. She puts her bunk out there and she gets criticized for it. Where does she run for shelter? “The bad boys used bad words.” She puts on the victorian clutching pearls and screeches that she’s being attacked because she is a woman. If she can turn it from an attack on her into an attack on all women, then Rush loses.

This just proves that she’s even dumber than she first seemed. Honestly, when you have a target as soft as Rush, why bring the idiot gun? If any woman I respected ever got called a “slut” by Rush Limbaugh, we’d all have a hell of a laugh about it. “You mean that fat fuck pill head hypocrite?” A nice response would have been “as we all know, a whore fucks everybody and a slut fucks everybody but YOU.” I dunno, something trite and cliche like that, to show that Rush Limbaugh’s idiocy rolls off your back.

No, instead she played the “if you criticize me, you hate all women” card. The only one dumber than her is the worthless law professor who told her to say that. (and I guarantee you that one did).

Here’s where Rush went wrong: Why criticize a woman for being a slut? Sluts are awesome. We here at the Legal Satyricon embrace all sluts (or whores, as it were) and welcome them to practice their craft with impunity. Sandra Fluke is no slut. For christ sakes, look at her! No slut dresses like that. A slut would know how to get a guy to pay for her birth control. A slut would know how to talk to men — who ultimately are the ones she needs to convince. No, this is no slut. This is just an overprivileged liar who got coached by other overprivileged liars. In turn, those overprivileged liars didn’t do a good job of preparing her for her presentation. Thats what happens when you prepare by only speaking to your victim studies classes — everyone pats you on the back and nods their heads. Then, one day, you have to deal with real people who will view what you say with a critical eye. Then you get slammed.

The really sad part is that Fluke, by lying, really did a disservice to a noble cause. Insurance companies and employers should not be able to say they object to certain medical expenses on “moral” grounds. (I’d say a private school ought to be able to, but that’s another discussion). The position she was out there to support is the right one. But, she decided to lie and to over dramatize the situation. In doing so, she made herself look stupid, and she did a grave disservice to her cause. Now, by trying to turn it into a feminist issue about naughty language, she’s doing even more damage. She should just shut the fuck up and let a woman who knows what she’s doing take her place.

Sandra Fluke isn’t being attacked by Rush Limbaugh (or anyone else) because she’s a woman. Rush Limbaugh doesn’t want to silence Ann Coulter, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, or (until recently) Olympia Snowe. She’s being attacked because she’s an idiot and a liar.

If she were just a slut, the whole world would love her. Nobody really minds a slut. Nobody, not Rush Limbaugh and not me, and not anyone sensible, suffer lyin’ assed bitches lightly.
