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An Activist Law Firm

Sweet Home Trademark Infringement FAIL

Ah kin file this here Lannem Act violation fer ya!
The University of Alabama needs to fire its attorneys and fire its public relations department.

Daniel Moore is a famous artist who has devoted his painting career to depicting scenes from Alabama football games. Some dim wit at the University of Alabama decided that A) this violated the University’s trademarks (because Moore painted the players in their crimson and white uniforms) and B) that it might be a good idea to sue him for trademark infringement.

Moore denied violating trademark laws and claimed his art is speech protected by the U.S. Constitution.
U.S. District Court Judge Robert Propst, in an opinion issued Monday, rejected the university’s argument that Moore’s paintings violated trademark law by showing Alabama players in their crimson and white uniforms.
“This court concludes that the depiction of the uniforms in the paintings is incidental to the purpose and expression of the paintings,” said Propst, a University of Alabama graduate. He said the purpose of the paintings was to “artistically depict and preserve notable football plays in the history of University of Alabama football.” (source)

Alabama… come for the incest. Stay for the morons.