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An Activist Law Firm

Welcome a New Satyriconista

We got together in the lab and decided to cook up a new Satyriconista. A few grave-robbed parts here, a brain from a mental patient, stole a little swagger from Chuck Norris, applied a little radiation and 1.21 Gigawatts of power, and BAM!

Please welcome Beth Hutchens.

Beth Hutchens is a Phoenix-based Intellectual Property attorney with a penchant for good Scrabble® words. She is licensed to practice in Arizona and before the United States Patent and Trademark Office and would have touted her g33k status, but Fisher had seniority. She eats, sleeps, and breathes all things IP with a special place in her heart for antitrust suits. Beth frequently consults her Magic 8 Ball for guidance.

Don’t be an asshat. Comment here welcoming her to the law blog inglorious basterds that are the Satyriconistas.