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An Activist Law Firm

Which Part of your Oath of Office is Unclear?

The Fairview Heights, Ill. City Council met on Tuesday to vote on an ordinance designed to ban erotic businesses from that city. The City Attorney told the City Council that the ordinance was unconstitutional, yet the ban passed 8-1.

Ward 4 Alderwoman Carol Warner, who voted against the law, said she did so “because it violates the United States Constitution, and we all know that.” … After the meeting, [The City Attorney] said Warner was the only alderman who hadn’t violated the U.S. Constitution with her vote, but he declined to comment further.

I would imagine that Ms. Warner will be pilloried for living up to her oath of office — which I am certain includes the words “uphold and defend the Constitution.” However, she won’t be pilloried on this blog. I am the newest member of the Carol Warner fan club.

Ward 1 Aldermen Norman Miller and Gil Klein, Ward 2 Alderman Warren Baker, Ward 3 Alderwomen Pat Baeske and Linda Hoppe, Ward 4 Alderwoman Linda Arnold, and Ward 5 Aldermen Scott Rich and Bonnie Crossley all voted for the ban, despite the fact that it was not only unconstitutional, but that their attorney advised them as much.

Attorney Cary Wiggins has a great post on this over at Meeting the Sin Laws.