Cool video / Our predictions come to pass
By J. DeVoy In March, I speculated that a third Creative Commons-licensed album was forthcoming from recording business pioneers Nine Inch Nails. This recently came to pass… kind of. First,
By J. DeVoy In March, I speculated that a third Creative Commons-licensed album was forthcoming from recording business pioneers Nine Inch Nails. This recently came to pass… kind of. First,
by Charles Platt Recently I was talking to a criminal attorney who handles a lot of drug cases. I asked him this question: In the state of Arizona, how much
By Tatiana von Tauber Mom and masturbation. Now those two words that don’t work for me together only that I’m a mom and I – well, you know, make time for
In the City of Brotherly Love, Philly fans boo the tasing of an asshat running on the field. Then there is no pleasing you, Philadelphia. [youtube=]
By J. DeVoy, Madison’s second most famous blogger In the land of big egos and petty catfights known as the legal blogosphere, Ann Althouse looms large. Beginning her blog in
The New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research showed that you are statistically more likely to be a victim of a crime at church than in a strip
By J. DeVoy Oral arguments are strange things. With enough practice, they can be sharp and flawless tools of advocacy, but trying to use them too soon can lead to
by Charles Platt I wonder if anyone else agrees that drunk driving is a victimless crime. A conviction merely affirms that a person was more likely than average to hit
By J. DeVoy Not an April Fool’s joke — just a good, if trite, op-ed from Susan Estrich, with whom I normally disagree. From law school and college students facing
By J. DeVoy Ferdinand Bardamu of In Mala Fide is launching an internet campaign to lay claim on a new word: Vajazzle. Vajazzle və-ˈja-zəl (verb): the process of adorning a vagina
By J. DeVoy Everyone has seen perfectly formed, almost impossibly figured adult actresses on the screen – or more likely in flash video frames on computer screens – but few
Photography is Not a Crime is one of the most compelling publications in the blogosphere. Its editor, Carlos Miller, was arrested for exercising his First Amendment right to photograph police