BidZirk Case a Victory For Free Speech
It doesn’t get much better than this (If you like Free Speech) File this under “when will they learn?” Philip J. Smith keeps a blog upon which he comments
It doesn’t get much better than this (If you like Free Speech) File this under “when will they learn?” Philip J. Smith keeps a blog upon which he comments
When two girls in Bradenton, Florida painted their bodies to attend a high school football game in a show of school spirit, they didn’t expect that their body paint would
David Lat over at “Above the Law” has an exclusive interview with Adam Key. The entire interview is worth reading, but here are some choice excerpts. David Lat: In terms
As noted in this earlier post, Regent University might have the right to censor its students — but that doesn’t make it right. Above the Law has an update on
A few months ago, I blogged on the Freecycle v. Oey case, here. In that case, Timothy Oey a former member of “The Freecycling Network” opposed TFN’s efforts to trademark
I am NOT a big fan of the whole “law school prestige” crap game. C.F. What is wrong with Legal Education? If I am in a position to hire an
As previously blogged in “Fail the Bah, Blame the Queeahs,” Stephen Dunne objected to a Massachusetts Bar exam question that had a gay marriage component in the facts. It appears
One of the upsides to publishing is that you get to share your knowledge and opinions. One of the downsides… you open yourself up to criticism. I’ve certainly suffered my
Tucker Max publishes books, websites, and blogs that some people find humorous. I certainly do. He also owns a website upon which one finds online forums in which people all
I heard about this story on NPR, but a big hat tip to the Citizen Media Law Project for not only reminding me of it, but for its dead-on analysis
First American eAppraiseIT v.Crowley is the latest assault on free speech in Florida. The defendant in that case publishes a website called Mortgage Fraud Watch List. From the Defendant’s website:
No commentary needed. Jack Thompson really is just such pure comedy all by himself. Jack Thompson Letter Thank you, Jack. Thank you for bringing laughter to my day. And, Thank