Copyright and Fair Use in Demand Letters
Earlier Post is updated with links to other sources on the subject and additional analysis.
Earlier Post is updated with links to other sources on the subject and additional analysis.
I have seen a lot of laughable cease and desist letters in my career. Usually they come to my attention when the victim of an overreaching cease and desist posts
Sonjia McSween’s daughter once attended the New School of Orlando. From what I understand, it is a pretty ritzy place to send your kids. She wasn’t happy about the service
It appears that Westboro Baptist Church will appeal the decision rendered yesterday. This excerpt from The Underdog Blog (published by Westboro’s attorney, Jon Katz) was worthy of reproduction. This case
It doesn’t get much better than this (If you like Free Speech) File this under “when will they learn?” Philip J. Smith keeps a blog upon which he comments
Robert Ambrogi Reports at Media Law Blog on one of my least favorite judges. Prior posts on this subject: Massachusetts Libel Case – Murphy v. Boston Herald (Updated) Murphy v.
This recent article in the Boston Globe discusses gripe site litigation and the protection afforded to anonymous speakers on the internet. The article suggests, and my experience concurs, that many
The First Circuit just upheld a whopper of a defamation award against Merril Lynch for statements made about a terminated employee. See Galarneau v. Merrill Lynch, __ F.3d __ (1st
Remember Gary Condit? In July 2005, the Sonoran News published an article about Darrell Wayne Condit. One line of the article stated, “Condit, whose real name is Darrell Wayne Condit,
One of the upsides to publishing is that you get to share your knowledge and opinions. One of the downsides… you open yourself up to criticism. I’ve certainly suffered my
Terry Nichols’ brother filed suit against Michael Moore for defaming him in his film, Bowling for Columbine. In that film, Moore reported that The court dismissed and the Sixth Circuit
Tucker Max publishes books, websites, and blogs that some people find humorous. I certainly do. He also owns a website upon which one finds online forums in which people all