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Ben Edelman Apologizes

Remember the Harvard prof who tormented a restaurant over $4? He’s reconsidered his prior position: “Having reflected on my interaction with Ran, including what I said and how I said

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Time off and the Bar

Brian Tannebaum, ethics lawyer to the stars, recently tweeted that he would be ok with a complete shut-down of the legal profession from December 23 to January 2. I thought

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Thank you, Sarah Palin

Wow, I would have thought that Michael Palin wrote this, not Sarah. Aren’t you the same anti-beef screamers blogging hate from your comfy leather office chairs, wrapped in your fashionable

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Where is Israel?

Harper Collins is getting some deserved flak for omitting Israel from its world atlas specifically designed for Middle Eastern markets. (source) The map simply omits Israel, as if it does

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Rest in Slack, Brother

In honor of Cliff Heller, who merged with the infinite on this day in 2006, the Legal Satyricon flag is lowered to half mast and there will be no posts

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America: Wussy Nation?

USA Today has a pretty damn good editorial calling us out on the fact that the American Eagle has turned into a scared kitten. From Ebola, to terrorism, to academia’s

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"The Interview" Was Awesome

Yesterday, I wrote this: I personally have not seen The Interview. I watched the trailer for it. That is two minutes and 28 seconds of my life that I want

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