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I applaud for Google

You all remember SkyNet Google? You know, that little company that could? The one that swore “Don’t Be Evil” and “Make the World a Better Place” were its mantras? Yeah,

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The most dangerous car?

This weekend, I was lecturing my kids before they went out to ride bikes. I asked them “what is the most dangerous car?” The answer I was looking for was

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The Roca Labs Order

There are plenty of articles out there on Roca Labs. I’ll just provide the order, without comment. Ok, one quote: As Plaintiff has not demonstrated a likelihood of success on

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The Laws of Uranus

As an discussion about space grows longer, the probability of a mention of Uranus approaches 100%. He who is the first to mention Uranus wins the thread or conversation.

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The Candy Bitch

I make no secret about the fact that I do consider open bloody class war to be an ok way to fix things. “Life is like a stew, you have

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Legal Pop Culture Citations

Marc’s recent post on How to Cite to Walter Sobchak, along with another friend’s comment on citing to The Pirates of Penzance, has inspired me to create a new Wikia.

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Ebola is the New Black

Ok, not really, but I figured it was a catchier title than “Ebola is the new paranoia for the stupid genetic refuse that proves that Idiocracy was not just a

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