Reasons why you're miserable
By J. DeVoy This list from warrants sharing. It’s so nearly perfect that commentary or additions are superfluous. The next time someone wonders why it seems the world is
By J. DeVoy This list from warrants sharing. It’s so nearly perfect that commentary or additions are superfluous. The next time someone wonders why it seems the world is
By J. DeVoy Italy is so besieged by gender-bending felons that it’s opening a new prison exclusively for them. Sensitivity training and special accommodations abound. Around 30 transgender detainees will
There are direct flights from Buffalo to Detroit? Well, I suppose that at least one businessman made good use of the convenient nonstop.
You might have noticed that this blog doesn’t really talk about environmental issues much… well, except for Fischer’s occasional right-wing-talking points about how global warming is not happening. This has
by Christopher Harbin Only in the greatest country in the free world can one die-of-a-heart-attack-after-you-eat-here themed restaurant sue another one for trade dress infringement. I’ve never felt so patriotic. I
J.D. Salinger is dead. Boy, when you’re dead, they really fix you up. I hope to hell when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in
A goat broke into a strip club. Yes, really. It smashed its way through the glass doors and just hung out for a while. (source)
Sometimes, I just gotta sit back, look out the window, take a deep breath, and laugh my ass off at what a lucky motherfucker I am. And when I do
By J. DeVoy A Chicago police officer may be nippleless after an altercation outside a Gold Coast bar. The damage seemed quite extensive: Along with several punches that caused cuts
By J. DeVoy [youtube=] -Property destruction -Criminal drug use -Naming and ownership rights -Restraining orders -Trademark and domain registration -Freeze-outs -Merchandising and licensing rights
I’ve been saying so for years. But, it seems that finally the Wall Street Journal thinks so too. It’s a remarkable fact that a nation founded, fought for, built by,