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To do in 2010

By J. DeVoy 1) Expatriate.  Or at least think about it. Exhibit A: [youtube=] (NSFW, obviously.) /list

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It’s crap like this that is going to pay for my first house.  Thanks ICANN! So, when do I get the ability to register my cool penis symbol?  Would

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Merry Christmas

I see Marc’s Snoop Dogg and raise him some Run DMC. [youtube=]

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Thats When I Reach For My Revolver

Your music history lesson of the day. Behold Mission of Burma. [youtube=] If you thought that Moby wrote this, you aren’t allowed to read this blog anymore until you do

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Close call

On Friday, April 13, 2029, the Apophis asteroid will come within 18,300 miles of the Earth’s surface. To compare, the moon is 238,857 miles away. (source)

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