McCain's Mortgage Bailout for the Stupid
I can’t believe that I actually agree with Michelle Malkin on a political issue. Remember McCain’s “plan” he came up with during the last debate? The McCain Resurgence Plan: The
I can’t believe that I actually agree with Michelle Malkin on a political issue. Remember McCain’s “plan” he came up with during the last debate? The McCain Resurgence Plan: The
I am a registered Republican. However, after seeing some of the bullshit that this party has tried to pull in this election (coupled with what I saw it pull in
Can you feel that? Yes, that’s AIG giving it to you right in the ol’ pooper! Less than a week after the federal government committed $85 billion to bail out
Sarah Silverman hilariously tries to convince Jews to visit their grandparents in Florida to vote for Obama. After their landslide stupidity in 2000, I’m pretty sure that the butterfly-ballot-stymied set
Scott Greenfield has a point over at Simple Justice. if my government wants to use my tax dollars to save the American banking and investment banking system from collapse, to
Wired reports that Anonymous (the group that has been PWNING Scientology for years) hacked Sarah Palin’s personal email account and posted some messages online — messages that prove that she’s
Funniest SNL intro ever.
Writing about Sarah Palin: Palin has made the biggest step forward in feminism since Madonna channeled the dominatrix persona of high-glam Marlene Dietrich and rammed pro-sex, pro-beauty feminism down the
Satyriconista Zac can’t believe that I haven’t chimed in on the VPILF yet. Well, here goes. First of all, she would be the first VPILF in history. Second of all,
f.k.a. reports on a tiff between two bald white guys running for a family court judge-ship. At least one of the candidates doesn’t know the difference between copyright and trademark