News & Media
Hockey in Fenway Park
Interesting. If there is one thing that I learned growing up in New England, it is that you can never count on the weather. Well, that and you can never count on anything going right at Fenway.
Extreme Makeover – Nazi Edition
Flori-duh, the place where due process goes to die, is paying for John Allen Ditullio’s makeup artist so that the jury doesn’t think ill of the boy. On March 23, 2006, Pasco authorities say, he put on a gas mask and broke into a neighbor’s home, where he stabbed a woman in the face and neck, then attacked a teenager.
Turnabout is fair play
The recording industry may be getting a taste of its own medicine. This is a Canadian case, but interesting nonetheless. H/T Evren Seven.
American legal education – scientifically proven to be worthless, law professors jam heads up asses in response
I have written previously on the Worthlessness of American Legal Education. That ruffled a few feathers among legal academics who didn’t like being called a “circle jerk.” In response to that critique, legal academics decided to disband the circle jerk and actually focus on practical training of lawyers in both business, law, and ethics. HAAAA…. had you going, didn’t I?
USPTO Jumps in Line to Provide "Green" Initiatives, Ignores Climate Gate
by Jason Fischer “Awe! Come ON! I made a movie about it. That proves it’s true.” Director Kappos, of the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), writes on his blog this week about how the Office intends to fast-track the examination of patent applications that deal with so-called “green” technologies. Great headline for a month ago, when the popularized
Healthcare reform legislation to include government subsidies for voodoo, zombie repellent, and werewolf patrols
Okay, not really… but this is just as preposterous. The “Christian Science” church teaches that we should forget about all that silly medicine stuff. Asking our imaginary buddy, Jesus, to heal us is all the medicine we need. There was a time when Christian Science paraded its children off to the graveyard, rather than admit that dancing around a fire,
N.C. Constitution Bars Atheists from Public Office – group of redneck morons thinks that the ban is valid.
Cecil Bothwell is a city councillor in Asheville, North Carolina. That in itself is not remarkable, but Bothwell ran as an openly-atheist candidate.. Well, ol “Ain’t no gawd Cecil” dun tickery won the dag gum election. It seems that now, his opponents are seeking to have him stopped from taking office, because he doesn’t believe in an imaginary magic space
Bitter Lawyer Profiles Randazza
Bitter Lawyer has been one of my favorite legal humor sites for some time. Thus, imagine my joy when they emailed me asking to do a profile on me. Well, it came out today. Here it is. Enjoy.
Marc Randazza: His Profane, Pornographic, Anti-Glenn Beck World
There’s probably no other lawyer like Marc Randazza. He’s irreverent, outspoken, foul-mouthed, endlessly entertaining and on a hot streak. When he’s not defending the First Amendment rights of porn studios and bloggers, he might be on the beach, cooking up a tasty stingray … Read more …
Congratulations to Gloucester High – Fishermen are Super Bowl Champs Again!
Last night, the Gloucester Fishermen defeated Bridgewater-Raynham 33-13 in the Massachusetts Division 1A Super Bowl at Gilette Stadium. This victory caps a perfect season, and GHS’ second title in three years. See Gloucester Times coverage.
Man "finishes" World of Warcraft
What’s with the “hugging”? ‘Little Gray” beat the game after killing 390,895 creatures, administering 7,255,538,878 points of damage, completing 5,906 quests (averaging 14 quests a day), raiding 405 dungeons and hugging 11 players. I believe we can safely add another statistic to the numbers — he has had sex 0 times during this period. (source)
The Bread Hunter
Totally off topic… but totally awesome. The Bread Hunter. The author’s book is here. I want it. When I lived in Sicily, my friends had an outdoor stone oven. Talk about bread from heaven.
Indianapolis … at it again
Yes, the city that brought you MacKinnon’s anti-pornography ordinance (struck down by American Booksellers Ass’n. v. Hudnut, 771 F.2d 323 (7th Cir. 1985)) now brings us a public school internet content filtering policy, which includes this little gem. Alternative Spirituality/Belief: Sites that promote and provide information on religions such as Wicca, Witchcraft or Satanism. Occult practices, atheistic views, voodoo rituals
Don't let truth get in the way of your superstition-politics
“It is the ultimate Grinch to suggest there is no God during a holiday where millions of people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ,” said Mathew D. Staver, founder and chairman of the Liberty Counsel, a conservative religious law firm, and dean of Liberty University School of Law in Lynchburg, Va. “It is insensitive and mean.” (source)
ABA Blawg 100 Voting Update
I was perusing the ABA 100 voting, and I see that the front runners are pulling away from the pack. But, there are a couple of blawgs that are still in the running that I personally think deserve a blast of support. New York Personal Injury Law Blog is written by Eric Turkewitz, one of the Lions in the Blawgers
Flori-duh can't get Christian themed license plate, so goes for what it meant in the first place
The state of Flori-duh failed to get its “I Believe” license plates. So now its getting the next best thing, a Confederate Flag license plate. There still are an awful lot of Floridians who are pissed off that they don’t get to own negroes anymore. Well, now there is a license plate for those peckerwoods. I do hope that every
Brüno may have stepped in it….
We got a pile of frivolous, stupid, and unsupportable lawsuits out of Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat. Cohen’s latest, Brüno, might just mar Cohen’s record. It seems, if the allegations are true, that Cohen identified a Bethlehem grocer as a leader in the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. However, the grocer claims that he is no such thing. Cohen also claimed on
A Likelihood of Confusion and Cameltoe Camouflaging
By: Zac Papantoniou H/T to Ryan Gile at Las Vegas Trademark Attorney Blog, for bringing this trademark infringement suit involving cameltoe-covering undies to light, and thus making it clearly visible for us here at the Legal Satyricon to find (Note – Due to the nature of this case, and my juvenile sense of humor, I take no responsibility for making
Big Firm Blogs Are Boring
No friggin shit. In other news, the sky is blue, water is wet, and Gail Dines has a penis.
Red Hat Club case results in $100,000 award for plaintiff. A dark day for American literature
I wrote about the Red Hat Club case in April of 2008 in The Georgia Court of Appeals commits attempted murder on American literature in “Red Hat Club” case. Without re-writing that post, which tells the story enough, the case was a “libel in fiction” case. An author based a fictional character on a person, that person saw a pay