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Max Hardcore Convicted

Yesterday, Paul Little (a.k.a. Max Hardcore) was convicted on 10 counts of distributing obscene materials. (source) The short version: Consenting adults decided to make a movie. Consenting adults starred in

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Lesbian Humor

No, that isn’t an oxymoron. I’m not directing you to Feminist Law Profs (which is the humor equivalent of sucking on a dirty sock full of charcoal ashes), but to

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A Witness to an Obscenity Trial Speaks

Honoring Our Nation’s Heroes—By Looking At Crap By Anonymous I’m spending Memorial Day wrestling with the First Amendment. The Constitution lays it out perfectly clearly: “Congress shall make no law

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A House Divided?

Some genius in south Flori-duh thinks the best way to solve the State’s fiscal callousness is to pass a idiotic nonbinding, ineffective resolution declaring it “in the best interests of

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This is the hottest girl I’ve ever met, so I figured that I might as well marry her this Saturday. Therefore, I’ll be incommunicado for a few days. I have

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California Gay Marriage Case

Today is a great day for civil rights! Calif. Supreme Court rules that it is unconstitutional to prohibit gay marriage. [I]n light of the conclusions we reach concerning the constitutional

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