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Law Enforcement Priorities

I’ve been involved in the debate over whether we should criminalize “revenge porn.” As much as I despise the practice, I don’t agree with new criminal laws to punish it.

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Was Saint Patrick Really Italian?

Irish is, without a doubt, the dominant immigrant culture in Massachusetts. Growing up there, in a town where Sicilians were the plurality, St. Patrick’s Day was always a little underwhelming.

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BOOM! Down goes Texas

I felt a great disturbance in the Douchebag Force, as if millions of lowlife bigot assholes suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I think something wonderful has

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Update – Comfort Women Video

Yesterday’s post, Mayer Brown, shame on you. (日本、ストライサンド効果へようこそ), might come into better focus (if you need it) if you watch this video. [youtube=] These are the women that the lawsuit

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