An Activist Law Firm

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Catcalling is for Genetic Refuse

We are here for one reason — to fuck. The old DNA says “spawn or go extinct.” We may have frolics and detours along the way, to either make the rest of our existence more tolerable, or to make the entire group experience more likely to lead to success — and thus more fuckin’. This explains, to me, nature tossing in homosexuality, despite a lack of immediate reproductive benefit to the species. So here we are, guys generally want to fuck anything that moves. Women need to be more selective, because they can only be pregnant by one at a time. It makes sense that the boys want to fuck more than the girls, until the girls find a guy

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Lets Play Find the Defamation (updated)

Class, please watch the following video. There will be a quiz afterward. [youtube=] [polldaddy poll=8417047] “Potato” is the credited response. Remember, it is not which answer is “correct,” but which is the “best” answer. Nevertheless, science author Paul Brodeur reportedly seeks $1m from the producers of American Hustle for their portrayal of his article in the film. (source). Since I have not seen the complaint yet, I can only base my opinion on the clip and my erudite knowledge of defamation law. I can’t see any such suit being anything more than bullshit. This is a throwaway line by a not-too-bright character in a movie. The line says a lot more about the Rosalyn character than it does about Mr.

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The Roca Labs Order

There are plenty of articles out there on Roca Labs. I’ll just provide the order, without comment. Ok, one quote: As Plaintiff has not demonstrated a likelihood of success on the merits of any one of its claims, it is unnecessary to address the other requirements for injunctive relief. (Opinion). Alfonso Ribiero has not made any comment about this. I didn’t ask him either, but just sayin’.

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The Candy Bitch

I make no secret about the fact that I do consider open bloody class war to be an ok way to fix things. “Life is like a stew, you have to stir it frequently, or all the scum rises to the top.” I felt that way when I lived off $300 a month, $60 of which was for the rent in a pantry in a place known as the Elmer Phud House. But, back in my Phud days, I had this sneaking suspicion that if I ever managed to be one of the lucky ones one day that I would change my tune. I’m pretty well off now, so I’m actually there. I am on the other side of the

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The Laws of Uranus

As an discussion about space grows longer, the probability of a mention of Uranus approaches 100%. He who is the first to mention Uranus wins the thread or conversation.

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Oh…. Candada? Stop trying to be like us!

Dear Canada, You’re already pretty awesome. The weather sucks, but if you ever get around to that Turks and Caicos thing, you can have your own Hawaii. I don’t like to join in when Americans make fun of you. They do that because they don’t know you. (I do admit that I hum “Blame Canada” once and a while, but if you get the joke, that’s not really making fun of you). I’d say I know you pretty well. Remember when we met in 1988? Yeah, the time I went into Foufounes Electrique somewhat bewildered, and left really drunk, then the acid kicked in, and next thing I knew I was about to get the shit beaten out of me

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Legal Pop Culture Citations

Marc’s recent post on How to Cite to Walter Sobchak, along with another friend’s comment on citing to The Pirates of Penzance, has inspired me to create a new Wikia. A compendium of this sort is long overdue. Legal Pop Culture Citations Wikia Your recommendations/assistance would be appreciated. Looking for: Song lyrics Movie quotes Play quotes Book quotes TV quotes. Thank you.

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Thank you again, Rick Scott

I wish I could have had the luxury of growing up and living and spending my entire life in a nice place like the American West, but I was doing other things. As a matter of fact, when I think about it now, the place I lived longest in my adult life was Florida. Back when I lived there, I might have given a shit who became governor. Today, I do not. I just love pointing and laughing at Rick Scott. The guy not only looks like a penis in a suit, but he’s just plain comedy gold. [youtube=] Watch Charlie Crist’s face. That guy should never play poker. He’s standing there with that “no, not me! I don’t have

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Woman Charged Under Revenge Porn Law – Oh, Shocker

I hate the whole revenge porn thing. Not just that people do it, but I hate talking about it. Why? Because the whole subject just attracts bullshit like tourists with fanny packs attract gypsies. One of the biggest sources of bullshit it attracts is the MacKinnonite-Dworkinite “legal scholars.(1) That’s the wing of feminist “thought” that sees everything in terms of “its the girls against the boys, and the boys suck.” They all banded together to make revenge porn a “civil rights” issue, and a gender issue, most inconveniently failing to investigate the facts. They tend to see this as “a thing men do to women.” Guess what. It ain’t. Here is how they look at it: In 2009, Professor Danielle

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Ebola is the New Black

Ok, not really, but I figured it was a catchier title than “Ebola is the new paranoia for the stupid genetic refuse that proves that Idiocracy was not just a movie, but a prophecy.” That would just not do as a headline. But, I suppose it is a clumsy, but effective lede. Remember “give up ANY rights, as long as it keeps us safe from Beardsley McTurbanhead, who is going to kill us all if he can?” How could you forget? That fad isn’t over yet. But, just in time for the new fall idiot fashion season, we have Ebola! And, while there’s been plenty of stupidity surrounding ebola so far, I think that the stupidity has finally become self-aware,

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Flori-duh. Thank you, again.

Governor Rick Scott refused to debate Charlie Crist (at least for a while) because Crist had a fan in the podium. Depending on who you believe, Scott cited a rule that prohibited “electronics” in the podium, or there was a rule that was much more specific, which referred specifically to “fans.” Just speculating here, but I would imagine that debate rules would prohibit “electronics,” as I could see a candidate getting an unfair advantage with an iPad or cell phone in front of him. To have a rule prohibiting “fans,” just doesn’t make much sense. If anyone finds a copy of the rules, I would love to see them. In the meantime, feast your eyes on this. One of the

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Your Kids' Facebook Activities Can Subject You to Liability (But See 47 U.S.C. § 230?)

As a general rule, parents are not liable for their childrens’ actions simply by virtue of the fact that they are the kid’s parents. (I wish it were different, as that might put a leash on our idiocracy devolution, but sigh). That all aside, the Georgia Court of Appeals just held that parents can be liable for their children’s activities online, most specifically on Facebook. See Boston v. Athearn (Ga. Ct. App. 2014). The facts are pretty standard fare. Some kids decided to bully another kid. They set up a fake Facebook account dedicated to that mission. The Facebook page was apparently racist and defamatory. (Op. at 3). During the 11 months the unauthorized profile and page could be viewed,

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I am Sarkeesian

I don’t imagine that I would agree with much Anita Sarkeesian has to say. I admit that don’t know much of what she has to say, because I don’t give a shit. The Guardian describes her as “best known for her YouTube series ‘Tropes v Women in Video Games’, assessing various anti-feminist trends in gaming.” In other words, she’s a perfect storm of subjects that I give no fucks about. Video games and post-modern academic feminism. Both seem like a complete waste of time to me. I got bored with video games back when “Missile Command” was still a thing. And, I think that post-modern academic feminism is a bigger waste of time than playing Missile Command every day for

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Stay away from the fat kid!

Wow…. seriously? I only have five and a half years of experience as a parent, but I can honestly say that I’ve never considered the body mass index of another kid as a metric of, well, anything. I most certainly would not bring it up when trying to decide who my kids should play with. On the other hand, I might avoid having my kids hang out with kids whose parents are vapid, vacuous, total fucking assholes.

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The Ellora's Cave case

I don’t want to write a blog post about this case (yet), since I’m counsel for the defendant. But, here’s a pretty good article on it that someone else wrote. And another good one here, from Techdirt.

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How to cite to Walter Sobchak

If you don’t know what the deal is with prior restraint, here, watch: [youtube=] There. Simple. Right? THE SUPREME COURT HAS ROUNDLY REJECTED PRIOR RESTRAINT! I wish I could just submit that clip to the next judge who even considers granting one. Just hold up a chromebook with that on it, play it, drop it on the floor, and walk out. Dudeists have known this since 1998, and even most Dudeists were a bit late to the party. I suppose that should not complain about misguided souls trying to get prior restraints. If they stopped, I might actually have to find a less enjoyable way to make a living than being able to stand there with my arm around the

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Pedo Privacy is Important Too

by MJR Stephen Collins, the actor best known for playing dad/pastor in the long-running TV series, “7th Heaven,” finds himself the latest tabloid whipping boy over allegations that he diddled underage girls. It sorta figures that he played a pastor, eh? With all the rotten eggs being metaphorically hurled at him, it seems like nobody is at all uneasy about how the story came to light in the fist place. Pedophiles are bad. Exposing them is good. End of story. Because fuck him, that’s why. Right? No. Wrong. While the tabloid-consuming dipshits are crowing about the salacious accusations, can I please get one person to put down the Brawndo® and think about the one serious issue here? What about Collins’

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Criminal Heterosexual Speech

Though the title of this post sounds like SEO keyword trolling, it is not. Yesterday, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court released its opinion in Commonwealth v. Sullivan (can be found here). Mr. Sullivan was found guilty of violating G.L. c. 272, sec. 53, which sets forth the statutory penalty for prostitution as well as “persons who with offensive and disorderly acts or language accost or annoy persons of the opposite sex”. I’m sure you see where I’m going with this. Here is the entire fact pattern laid out by the SJC: At approximately 9:30 p.m. on September 28, 2007, R.M. was walking alone on Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge. She was returning to her dormitory on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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A loss, is a tie, is a win.

The Connecticut Bar Association voted on whether to sign onto a brief in support of a firearms law. The House of Delegates voted yes, 2-1, but there was a referendum petition. A vote was taken. By a vote of 734-729 (5 votes), the members voted to join the brief. Those opposed to signing the brief technically lost. Yet, the CBA President called it a tie, in light of the close vote. The practical result: the CBA will not sign the brief and the opposition effectively wins. There’s a logic to it, but it is a curious thing.

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