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Rochester NY Footlicker Arrested

By J. DeVoy Parents of Rochester, N.Y. probably are resting easier this weekend now that an alleged serial footlicker is behind bars.  Forty-nine-year-old Anthony Parri was arrested for removing a

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One Law For Them, Another Law For Us

[youtube=] A Rhode Island Cop, Edward Krawetz, kicked a handcuffed woman in the head as she sat on the ground. (source) Naturally, he claimed “self defense.” [His] fellow police officer

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Belly Laugh for the Day

Rick Santorum got a little more than the coffee he was expecting from his mobile phone app. n00b reveal update: Turns out this is satire (see comment below from Aaron

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Theocracy in a Florida Jail

Of course this happened in Flori-duh. A woman, identified only as “R.W.” went to a rape crisis center in Tampa. She got a pair of morning-after pills, you know, so

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