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Kids today.

Move over Florida!  Looks like Arizonans are overtaking you in the WTF department. Not content with traditional methods of imbibing alcohol, Arizona teens are soaking tampons in Vodka and shoving them

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The Internets in '69

[youtube=] “what the wife selects on her console, will be paid for by the husband on his counterpart console…” Ok, that is how it works for me…

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“Got the weirdest catalog in the mail. Basic premise: buy cute animals for starving children in Africa to eat.” – A friend of mine on his Facebook Page.

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The Mark of Cain

Looks like Herman Cain is having a three way and not in the awesome sense.  A third woman has reportedly come forward with an allegation that Mr. Cain acted inappropriately

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Occupy Wall Street Has Something for Everyone

Politics, economic debate, and now hot chicks. And incredible bad asses: [youtube=!] And even judges with some balls (ok, this was in Nashville) [youtube=!]

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Getting Sued for Being Mean

Unlike Lance Armstrong, Michael O’Connell also has a neck scar. (source)  His coworkers decided it would be jolly good fun to call him “uni-ball” and “cut-throat”.  Apparently, Mr. O’Connell had

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