News & Media
Righthaven defendant frustrated again in debt collection attempt
VegasInc reports on the latest attempt to recover attorneys fees and costs from Righthaven, LLC. Representatives from the company failed to show up for the debtors exam scheduled for January 5 at the U.S. District Court of Nevada. Randazza Legal Group attorney J. Malcolm DeVoy IV said: “The public should be disappointed … You’d think members of the bar — who
Righthaven Fails To Show Up In Court As Ordered… When Confronted Says It Got Confused Over The Date
TechDirt writes about Righthaven’s failure to appear at the debtors exam on January 5th at the U.S. District Court in Nevada. The writer opines: And every time we think we can’t be surprised any more, something like this happens. Read More…
Randazza, Righthaven and Roger Williams
Cyber Law & Business report features attorney Marc Randazza on its weekly radio show. Randazza talks about Righthaven. Listen in….
The Watch List
San Diego CityBeat released its list of people it will be watching in 2012, and attorney Marc Randazza makes the list for his work in copyright litigation. The description says: Randazza’s also been instrumental in defeating one of the world’s worst copyright trolls, Righthaven, in Nevada. Read more…
PIPA is the new SOPA
San Diego CityBeat writes about the Protect IP legislation currently under consideration in the U.S. Senate. The article quotes attorney Marc Randazza: “There needs to be a little room at the margins, even if it means the people get shut down eventually. We don’t want to stifle innovation.” Read More…
Randazza Files For Contempt Of Court Against Righthaven
TechDirt posts about Randazza Legal Group’s latest filing in the Righthaven litigation. RLG filed a motion for contempt against Righthaven after it failed to respond to a request for documents prior to the scheduled debtors examination. The writer comments: I would suggest that Righthaven’s strategy of trying to completely ignore Randazza is not likely to be successful. Read More…
Righthaven Files Emergency Motion To Try To Keep Its Assets
TechDirt writes about Randazza Legal Group’s response to Righthaven’s filing of an emergency motion in an attempt to prevent the auction of Righthaven’s assets. The post states: Randazza has filed a response (embedded below) in which he goes back to bringing up Herman Melville’s classic story Bartleby the Scrivener, in which Bartleby never does any work because “I would prefer not
Rest in Slack, Brother
In honor of Cliff Heller, who merged with the infinite on this day in 2006, the Legal Satyricon flag is lowered to half mast and there will be no posts today. If you happen to find yourself with a bottle of tequila nearby, I would like to invite you to take a shot in his honor.
Normal Plungers are Bad, mmm'kay?
By J. DeVoy [youtube] H/T: Roosh
Tube Site Operator Must Pay $990K, Judge Says
XBIZ reports on a federal court judge’s order granting Corbin Fisher a $990,000 default judgment against the operator of a tube site Attorney Marc Randazza, who represents Corbin Fisher, says: “I think we are finding courts are not averse awarding actual damages in cases of pirated adult content.” Read More…
Copyright Troll’s Domain Name Auctioned to Pay Legal Fees’s Threat Level column states that the sale of the domain name was going for up to $1,250 as of the afternoon of Dec. 27, 2011. The column reports: The domain auction is to help pay Las Vegas lawyer Marc Randazza for successfully defending Vietnam veteran Wayne Hoen against a Righthaven copyright lawsuit seeking large damages for posting the entirety
Copyright troll Righthaven's domain name now up for auction
Ars Technica writes about the pending auction of Righthaven’s domain name to help pay for some of Righthaven’s legal debt to Randazza Legal Group client Wayne Hoehn. The post states: At this point, it certainly looks as if the end is near for Righthaven, even if other battles over copyright are still ongoing. Read More…
Auction of Righthaven website domain name under way
Vegas Inc. reports on the auctioning of Righthaven’s domain name, which began Dec. 26, 2011. The auction is meant to help cover Righthaven’s debt to Randazza Legal Group client Wayne Hoehn. Marc Randazza is quoted in the article as saying: Righthaven went after hundreds of defendants in copyright cases. Often, the defendants were innocent and engaged in fair use. Read
Private Actors Are the Biggest Threat to Free Speech
Crime & Federalism discusses the threat to free speech from litigious private parties. The post talks about the Righthaven lawsuits and about a defamation complaint against the writer of the blog, for which he is represented by the Randazza Legal Group. The post states: I’m proud to disclose that the Randazza Firm, the lawyers who shut down Righthaven, are defending me is up for auction
Righthaven went after hundreds of defendants in copyright cases. Often, the defendants were innocent and engaged in fair use. In all cases where a court has been asked, they found that Righthaven had no right to bring the suit in the first place. In all of their cases, Righthaven asked the court to award them not only money, but the
Jury Nullification in Montana
Police arrested a Montana man for possession of marijuana. They couldn’t even seat a jury. Lets hear it for the residents of that community! You don’t need to be black to believe that laws mandating racial segregation are wrong. Similarly, you don’t need to be Tommy Chong to know that laws against simple possession of a plant are stupid, wrong,
A Very Fahkin Southie Christmas
Who Wants To Own Domain Seized, About To Be Auctioned
TechDirt posts about the impending sale of Righthaven’s domain name as part of the auction to pay off its debts after the Randazza Legal Group filed a writ of bodily attachment in the U.S. District Court of Nevada. Read More…
Dismantling of Righthaven appears under way with loss of website
VegasInc breaks the news that Righthaven’s assets have been transferred to a receiver for auction, including the domain for its website. Lara Pearson, the court-appointed receiver, says: If all goes well, I intend to put the domain name up for auction before the holiday break begins tomorrow, though I have not yet made a firm decision as to where the
Righthaven Tries New Strategy: Maybe If It Just Ignores Marc Randazza, He'll Go Away
TechDirt reports on Randazza Legal Group’s filing of a writ of bodily attachment in the U.S. District Court of Nevada in the Righthaven lawsuit. The post states: It appears that Righthaven’s new legal strategy, after getting beaten down left and right by Marc Randazza, is to just stop responding to him or the court. Read More…