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Doubting of Thomas

The Atlantic provides a good study into Clarence Thomas’ dubious claim that he is merely a faithful “originalist.” (source)

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The big, bad Wolf on porn

By Tatiana von Tauber Feminist Naomi Wolf asked a serious question in a recent CNN article: “Is pornography driving men crazy?”  I had to read it twice just to make sure

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Dog Shooter SLAPP Suit Shot Down

By Marc J. Randazza It’s an all-too-common scenario: A blogger criticizes someone online, and then gets sued for his statements.   But two things make this case unique: First, the

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Righthaven suffers new setback

I am not going to comment extensively upon this, since Myself and Jay DeVoy of Randazza Legal Group are counsel for the defendant. However, I will share that Righthaven filed

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Rep. Steve Cohen on SLAPPs

Representative Steve Cohen, the Legal Satyricon’s favorite Congressman (source), provides an editorial in Roll Call on SLAPP litigation and the Dan Snyder case (prev. blogged on here).

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Being beta is bad for you

By J. DeVoy A recent conversation led me to contemplate how destructive being beta is – for the body, for the wallet and for the soul.  Regular readers should not

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"kill a cop cop, kill a cop"

By J. DeVoy [youtube] I would not believe this if I didn’t hear it myself. Apparently genres have ceased to exist and death metal, long the province of epic

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Wingsuit Flying

By J. DeVoy [youtube] via Ferdinand Bardamu at his new NSFW project, Ephemeral Notebook, a collection of short rants, cool links and naked ladies.

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