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The Magic Underwear State vs. Sexytime

Utah, apparently a hotbed of prostitution, appears to have had some trouble enforcing its anti-solictitation laws. Under Utah law, “solicitation” is defined as follows: 76-10-1313. Sexual solicitation (1) A person

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Devaluing your competitor's brand

By J. DeVoy Trademark law provides brand holders protection from competitors or third parties infringing upon, diluting or tarnishing their business marks, but what happens when the damage comes from

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A reason to swallow and a reason to spit

In his Valentine’s Day-themed editorial in Surgery News, “Gut Feelings”, Dr. Lazar Greenfield cited to a study that reported that semen has anti-depresseant and mood-elevating effects upon women. He concluded:

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Tribute to motherhood

by Tatiana von Tauber I’ve been a mother for 13 years now and I’ve changed my mind about it. I used to fear it until I got the hang of

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By the way

By J. DeVoy One week ago, I killed Santa.  I’m telling the world now because I just confirmed that it was his DNA.  I didn’t take any pictures, and dumped

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Osama dead; Americans still gripped in fear

By J. DeVoy [youtube] With Osama Bin Laden dead for a week and the DNA tests purportedly confirming his demise, it’s morning again in America.  Surely the PATRIOT Act

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Litigation's so passé

By J. DeVoy For whatever reason, this makes me think of my experiences thus far in the District of Nevada: [youtube]

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