News & Media
Randazza: Is Trump Really “Libel Proof?”
Is Trump really a “Libel-proof” Plaintiff? Donald Trump threatened to sue the New York Times for defamation based on a Times story about women accusing him of sexually assaulting them. In responding to this threat, the Times denies that there is anything defamatory about its article and mentions that “[n]othing in our article has had the slightest effect on the
An old election issue is new again – Vote Swapping
In the 2016 presidential race, there is more third-party support than at any other time in recent history. Gary Johnson’s candidacy provides an alternative to the two major party candidates. The Greens’ Jill Stein offers a progressive alternative to the Democrats’ decidedly un-progressive move to the right. The fact that most Americans would prefer neither Clinton nor Trump is a
Marc Randazza Calls Attention to An Objectionable Trademark Case
The adult industry news newtwork Xbiz published an article where Marc Randazza comments on the case filed by The Slants, an Asian American rock band. The case will be heard by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court’s decision may effect the decision on NFL’s Washington Redskins trademark case. Industry attorney Marc Randazza says the adult entertainment biz should closely follow
Freedom of Expression and Morality Based Impediments to the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
In the case of intellectual property rights (IPRs), some nations erect barriers to the protection of IPRs on the basis of “morality.” This paper will examine the implications of morality-based impediments to the enforcement of IPRs and their supportability under international agreements. There are significant freedom of expression issues to consider when we think about “morality” getting in the way
Now Her Children Gather Round Her
by Jay Marshall Wolman Georgetown University has decided to violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq. In a grand gesture that has alternately received praise or been derided as empty, the descendants of some 272 slaves sold by the Jesuits in 1838 to keep the ship afloat will now receive an admission preference. Missing
Court Denies Request to Unmask Anonymous Online Posters
A recent case in Florida federal court provides a reminder of how important it is to plead sufficient allegations against every defendant, even unidentified John Does. COR Clearing, LLC v., Inc., Case No. 4:16-mc-00013-RH-CAS (N.D. Fla. May 11, 2016) is a case about unmasking anonymous Internet posters, but because the plaintiff was sloppy in its allegations, the court was
Randazza: Kosovo Deserves Digital Independence
When I did my LLM in Italy, I got sat at the “Muslim Table” during a dinner. They plunked down three bottles of wine. I said “well, as long as you guys don’t mind me drinking here, I’ll be happy to be at the Muslim table.” The guy next to me says “I can not allow an American to drink
The Guardian Article on Randazza Amicus Brief
UK newspaper The Guardian published an article on Friday about attorney Marc Randazza’s fight to protect the Klingon language from being restrained by copyright. The brief, filed on behalf of the Language Creation Society in lawsuit between Paramount Pictures and the producers of a fan-made Star Trek film, argued the constructed languages are not subject to copyright, no matter who
Irish Legal News Reports on Randazza Amicus Brief
Irish Legal News published an article on Thursday commenting on a brief of amicus curiae filed by attorney Marc Randazza on behalf of the Language Creation Society seeking to protect the Klingon language from copyright control. The brief was filed in Los Angeles federal court in the matter of Paramount Pictures v. Axanar Productions. The Language Creation Society insists that
Uproxx Comments on Randazza Brief
Popular news website Uproxx published an article on Thursday discussing the legal fight waged by attorney Marc Randazza, seeking to protect the Klingon language from copyright protection. Randazza filed the amicus curiae brief pro bono on behalf of the Language Creation Society in the matter of Paramount Pictures v. Axanar Productions. The problem with that argument is that Klingon is very
The Recorder Discusses Amicus Brief by Attorney Marc J. Randazza
The Recorder, a leading online legal news publication, wrote Thursday about an amicus curiae brief filed by attorney Marc Randazza in the matter of Paramount Pictures v. Axanar Productions. Randazza filed the brief on behalf of the Language Creation Society arguing that the Klingon language was not subject to copyright, as Paramount asserted. To say the filing is colorful doesn’t
Consumerist: "Paramount Does Not Own Klingon Language"
On Thursday, popular the popular Consumer Reports blog Consumerist reported on the fight waged by attorney Marc Randazza against attempts to copyright the Klingon language. As we reported earlier this month, Paramount Pictures is trying to block a crowdfunded Star Trek fan film based, in part, on the studio’s claim that it actually owns the copyright on the Klingon language.
Amicus Brief by Marc Randazza Draws Article by Newser
Newser, an online news publication, wrote Thursday about a brief filed in Los Angeles federal court by attorney Marc J. Randazza in the matter of Paramount Pictures v. Axanar Productions. … attempting to copyright Klingon is absurd given the language is an “idea or a system.” Read the entire article here.
Public Knowledge Author Praises Marc Randazza Amicus Brief
In an article on Public Knowledge published Thursday, copyright expert Charles Duan praised Marc Randazza’s amicus brief on behalf of the Language Creation Society in the matter of Paramount Pictures v. Axanar Productions. In my almost three years at Public Knowledge, I have never been so delighted as this morning when I saw an amicus curiae brief in the lawsuit over
Lawyerist Praises Marc Randazza Amicus Brief
On Thursday, the popular online legal blog Lawyerist praised Marc Randazza’s amicus brief submitted in the case Paramount Pictures v. Axanar Productions. Randazza, the managing partner of Randazza Legal Group, filed his brief arguing that the Klingon language should be protected from copyright control by Paramount. The Lawyerist wrote: Marc Randazza is hands down the most entertaining legal writer in
Marc Randazza Brief Subject of Article
Irish online entertainment news site recently published an article on Marc Randazza’s amicus brief fighting for legal independence of the Klingon language. Fans have gone on to create fully working English-Klingon dictionaries. However, Paramount CBS, the creators behind Star Trek, are now locked in a legal battle with hardcore fans who want to ensure that the Klingon language belongs
UK’s The Register comments on Klingon brief by Marc Randazza
The United Kingdom’s IT publication, The Register, recently published an article describing attorney Marc Randazza’s efforts to keep the Klingon language from copyright encroachment. But, the Language Creation Society says, although it is “understandable that Paramount might feel some sense of ownership over the creation,” the reality is that it has since become a much bigger thing. “The language has
Brief by Marc Randazza discussed by The Lawyer Herald
The Lawyer Herald, an online legal news publication, wrote Friday that a brief filed in the case of Paramount Pictures v. Axanar Productions has “spark[ed] debate.” Language Creation Society has recently filed an amicus brief on behalf of the defendants, arguing the merits of whether the Klingon language could be copyrighted. The date continues on, as the parties await a
The Financial Post comments on Marc Randazza’s Brief in Paramount v. Axanar Productions
On the heals of the filing of a brief of amicus curiae by Randazza Legal Group managing partner Marc Randazza, The Financial Post published an article discussing the brief. The article, in part, says: The brief provides numerous examples of the widespread cultural use and academic study of Klingon. The court document is also liberally peppered with Klingon proverbs, words,
Marc Randazza Fights for Klingon Language
When Paramount Pictures sued a production company over a crowd-funded fan film called “Axanar,” Paramount asserted copyright over the Klingon language. On behalf of the Language Creation Society, Randazza Legal Group filed a pro bono amicus brief in the case, arguing that languages are not subject to copyright. The brief states: “Given that Paramount Pictures commissioned the creation of some of