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Bernie Sanders v. DNC

Bernie Sanders sues the Democratic National Committee and the complaint is here. The legal issues are less exciting than Bernie’s hair style. What is more exciting is that Bernie Sanders

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Revisiting Prostitution

by Jay Marshall Wolman My recent post on the Ninth Amendment got me thinking about Griswold v. Connecticut, and its progeny, including Lawrence v. Texas.  Although the latter explicitly stated it wasn’t ruling

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Revolution Number 9

by Jay Marshall Wolman As previously discussed, reader Angie NK asked for a post about the Ninth Amendment.  I digressed to the Fourth Amendment as I had some thoughts already percolating

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Prosecuting Police for Trespass

by Jay Marshall Wolman In a comment to my post announcing the formation of the Third Amendment Lawyers Association, reader Angie NK asked for some Ninth Amendment love. I’ll get

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What to do? What to say?

by Jay Marshall Wolman Now that Marc is off Popehatting, the rest of you can now chime in on what you’d like to see more of in this space.  Marc

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