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Maybe it was the Jesus, and not the Dope?

The Hunterdon County (NJ) Democrat had a headline that read: Marijuana-crazed teen runs from Clinton Twp. home in pajamas, barefoot, prompting widespread search, police report The boy’s parents told Patrolman

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Subcultures that make no sense

By J. DeVoy For example, the hipsters seen in this video. (Be cautious depending on your employer.)  It’s just YouTube, so why am I not linking to it?  It’s not

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Ron Paul – Right Again

The ol’ doc’s oratory skills seem a bit off here, but he has the right idea (as usual). Personally, I’d prefer legislation that makes every American immune from prosecution if

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Training Day

Faithful Readers: I arrive at headquarters with two black shirts, two pairs of black pants, one pair of black boots, two pairs of black socks, one black jacket, an army

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On Corporations and Free Speech

By J. DeVoy Earlier this month, when I danced on Russ Feingold’s political grave, Randazza and several others critiqued the desirability of unbridled free speech for corporations.  This is a

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Jamey Petree – Asshat of the Week

A Michigan father has filed a lawsuit against his daughter’s local school district, claiming that her civil rights were violated when her fifth-grade teacher read certain portions of a children’s

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Lamebook, We Support You!

by Jason Fischer I know this story is already a couple of days old, but we think it’s still worth reporting on.  For anyone who doesn’t know what’s going on,

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Shame on Wisconsin

Shame on Wisconsin. You just threw out the only member of the U.S. Senate with any integrity. You just demonstrated that this country is ruled by a small cabal of

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Good riddance to Russ Feingold

By J. DeVoy Russell Feingold will be an ex-senator in January.  It’s not soon enough.  Feingold, half of the propulsion behind the McCain-Feingold Act that limited political speech and chipped

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Bob Guccione belated RIP

by Charles Platt I’m slightly stunned to learn that Bob Guccione died ten days ago. Why would I care? Because he was an idiot-savant of the sexual revolution who also

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