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Applause for Mayor Bloomberg

I have nothing to add: [youtube=] Transcript of his speech: “We’ve come here to Governors Island to stand where the earliest settlers first set foot in New Amsterdam, and where

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It looks like the uneducated peckerwoods supporters of Proposition 8 are seriously considering throwing in the towel. They fear that they will lose 5-4 at the Supreme Court. That and

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Waxing Virgins

By Tatiana von Tauber     Very young girls these days are turning into women right before our eyes. Just last week CNN reported how today’s girls are beginning puberty as early

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Libel Tourism Law Passes!

Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) represents the people of Memphis, TN. His district also includes Graceland. That can’t be a coincidence, because he is the Congressional King of Free Speech legislation.

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By J. DeVoy [youtube=] …And Epic Why Guy is born.  Sometimes you’ve just gotta shop!  As much as the American education system receives its due bashings, apparently the Canadian system needs

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"White Collar Trash"

JD Hull’s “What About Clients?” blog could kick Chuck Norris’ ass. Evidence: Read this little passage he writes about law professor Peter Friedman. This man can help you. He deferred

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