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[youtube=] Watch it quick, before one of the NFL’s goons has it taken down.

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Thats When I Reach For My Revolver

Your music history lesson of the day. Behold Mission of Burma. [youtube=] If you thought that Moby wrote this, you aren’t allowed to read this blog anymore until you do

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Close call

On Friday, April 13, 2029, the Apophis asteroid will come within 18,300 miles of the Earth’s surface. To compare, the moon is 238,857 miles away. (source)

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McCain's Memory…

McCain is outraged at the damn kids these days in the Senate. [youtube=] John seems to have forgotten this.

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Random Thoughts

Someone stole the Arbeit Macht Frei sign from Auschwitz. What in the hell are they going to DO with it? Put it on the mantle? Observers are calling it an

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The Fort

Gloucester will always be home. [youtube=]

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