An Activist Law Firm

Singapore Bans Video Game over Lesbian Sex

Singapore’s Board of Film censors has banned “Mass Effect,” because players have the option of having their female avatar make out with (and feel up) a female alien. Photos after the jump.

Ha! Ha! No photos, you pervert. Keep reading if you are academically or professionally curious. You’ll have to find your porn elsewhere.

The official charge from the Singapore government? “Lesbian intimacy.” (Homosexuality is punishable by 2 years imprisonment in Singapore, but the law is rarely enforced). (AP Story here)

My prediction? The loss in sales in Singapore will be more than made up for by increased sales elsewhere now that this is a relatively widespread story. This might be a good marketing strategy for other companies. I would imagine that many U.S. gamers would be more interested in purchasing games that are banned in socially backward countries like Singapore, Saudi Arabia, and Florida.

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