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Where are all the Cartoon Characters' Pants?

He put on a scarf, a hat, a shirt, boots, but Winnie the weenie is exposed to the snow?
He put on a scarf, a hat, a shirt, boots, but Winnie the weenie is exposed to the snow?

With a baby on the way, I’ve been re-connecting with all my childhood cartoon characters. My wife seems to have a particular love for Winnie the Pooh.

So, I’m looking at all these delightful, whimsical characters and wondering… what gives with cartoon characters wearing shirts… but no pants? Not that I’m a big fan of wearing pants… but this is very confusing.

Can you imagine if a bald guy with no pants looked at you this way?
Can you imagine if a bald guy with no pants looked at you this way?
He can tie a bowtie, but can't get pants on?
He can tie a bowtie, but can't get pants on?

HT to Lisa for inspiring this post and for providing this link to the Urban Dictionary’s definition of “Porky Pigging” after she read this entry.

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