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David McKee, Are you a Tool?

I don’t know, but I think you might be learning a thing or two about the Streisand Effect. Apparently, Dennis Laurion did not like Dr. McKee’s bedside manner, reviewing him

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What What, Fair Use on a 12(b)(6)?

“What what, in the butt?” was the question recently before justices Easterbrook, Cudahy and Hamilton in the appeal of Brownmark Films LLC v. Comedy Partners from the Eastern District of

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Wanna own the Righthaven trademark?

By J. DeVoy Hey, you! Give your failed life some meaning by purchasing Righthaven’s registered servicemark!  Available now on eBay! OWN RIGHTHAVEN’S  “COMMERCIAL GOODWILL” LOLOLOLOLZ!

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Michael Lucas Pays Homage to a Friend

By Laura Tucker Michael Lucas of Lucas Entertainment recently wrote a heartbreaking post about the suicide of former porn actor turned personal trainer Dror Barak.  Lucas describes Barak as “shy,

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Last night, I had to make a little visit to the emergency room. (BTW, everything is just fine) You know how the ER goes. My problem was pretty big, so

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Marc Randazza on Savage Nation

By J. DeVoy Marc Randazza recently did this appearance with Dr. Michael Savage on his nationally syndicated radio show, Savage Nation.  Among the topics discussed were Rush Limbaugh’s latest kerfluffle

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