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First Amendment Law

Which Country is This?

It’s two years ago, so apologies for not noticing this story before. I guess that using the state to crack down on dissenters was so commonplace in 2005 that it

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Can You Digg It???

This story has shades of the 2600 fiasco as well as shades of 1984. Over the past few days, there has been quite a hissy fit over this: 09 F9

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Good Ol’ Grady Judd

Florida’s favorite anti-First Amendment crusader, Polk County sheriff Grady Judd, recently said one of the most foolish (and if you think about it — scary) things I’ve ever seen in

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Veranda Partners v. Giles Case

I will not comment upon this litigation, as it is ongoing and I am one of the attorneys handling the case. Nevertheless, for your education and edification, I will provide

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