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Murphy v. Boston Herald Update

The Boston Herald, already stung with a $2 Million libel verdict, upheld in a questionable decision by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, just wired the plaintiff an additional $1.4 million

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America’s War on Sex

The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists has named Marty Klein’s America’s War on Sex the “Sexuality Book of the Year” Dr. Joy Davidson, who presented the award,

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Latrell Sprewell Defamation Case

Latrell Sprewell gets a “boxer’s fracture,” Boxer’s fractures are when you break the metacarpal bone in your hand. When asked, Sprewell appears to have been evasive about how it happened,

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Andrew McCullough’s Blog

A salute to a fellow First Amendment attorney, Andrew McCullough. I didn’t know that he had a blog until today, so in honor of adding him to my blogroll, I’ll

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Resign Bush, Resign

[youtube=] I couldn’t possibly add anything to this to improve upon it, except this: If you are one of the 26% of this country who still gives George Bush a

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New Hampshire Defamation Case

Thomas v. Telegraph Publishing Co. A good discussion of the libel-proof plaintiff, public figure/actual malice, and general doctrines important to defamation actions. More to follow.

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SLAPP Suits and Casablanca

I just did the Lisa Macci show, The Justice Hour, which is always a wonderful experience. She is a “conservative,” but in the real tradition of less government and more

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