No Hookers in Benefits Package
See Repeated Demands for Prostitute: Grounds for Termination?
See Repeated Demands for Prostitute: Grounds for Termination?
The Boston Globe reports that two N.H. state reps have proposed legislation to decriminalize the possession of marijuana in the Granite State. The bill, which is expected to be voted
Janelle in Emerald Isle, NC Originally uploaded by jandazza If anyone thinks that I am sarcastic, snarky, funny, witty, or talented at all… ok, fine, maybe that is like 3
I was combing Digg, and saw this story – Gorillas Caught Making Love, Human Style. The thing is, the link didn’t work. So, I went to Google to find the
This seems exciting: Wikipedia is launching a new search engine. (source) I know that Wikipedia is such a running joke that one might be tempted to issue a guffaw or
Well my “little” cousin Brian got married last night. Watch the video here. I wish that all my friends and family members would be so considerate as to do it
My girlfriend told me a story about how a few years ago she had to take a written test to get her Nevada driver’s license. She stood in line for
The dating service, “It’s Just Lunch” is being sued by an unhappy former client. Complaint here (HT to On Point News). The complaint describes IJL’s services as “grossly deficient and
Motorcycle law is not something I usually comment on, but when I read about HB 137, proposed legislation that called for mandatory arrest of the driver and seizure of the